Free Discovery Visits

Clear Path

The best path to staying active, healthy, mobile or fit is anything but clear.  In fact, it is down right daunting and littered with information, opinions and options that may or may not be right for you.

That is why at Mindful Matters Wellness, we offer free confidential Discovery Visits.  A Discovery Visit gives you access to a highly educated member of our staff and provides you with the opportunity to discuss what is going on with your body in an unbiased, safe, and nonjudgmental space.

Doctor Working

The Discovery Visit is a discussion between you and a Doctor of Physical Therapy where you talk about your past and current health concerns and discuss your goals for future health, mobility and overall wellness.  There are no forms to sign and no obligation to move forward with treatment. It is just a chance to explore different treatment options and to create a plan that will help you meet your goals.

Discovery Visits are perfect for those who have had an injury for so long that they fear it will have to become apart of their life. Or for those who would like to perform better but aren’t sure how to maximize their potential.  It is also for those who have had a bad experience with a health care professional and want a second opinion or new approach.  Or for people who want to try a new form of exercise but might be intimidated by learning something new.  Whatever the reason, we’re here to provide support, solutions and a clear path to success. 

Schedule your Discovery Visit and let us help you down the right path to success

-The Mindful Matters Team