Obstetric Physical Therapy

I was recently asked by my mother of all people, what does obstetric mean. This question took me a little by surprise considering she gave birth to 5 children, and one of those children (i.e. me) is a Pelvic and Obstetric Physical therapist. 


Being a niche physical therapy provider I sometimes forget that what I do is not common practice.  Additionally, the medical terminology I spent years learning are completely foreign to 98% of the people I talk to.  It was her questioning the definition that got me to thinking, how many other women are unaware of what obstetrics means.

Now most women have heard their “lady doctors” being called OBGYNs.  This is actually an abbreviation of two words. OB stands for Obstetrics, and GYN stands for Gynecology.  Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. Gynecology is the study of the female reproductive organs. 

 When a physician is an OBGYN they are working with women, or individuals with female reproductive organs, and their medical education specializes in the conditions and diseases that relate to those reproductive organs. 

 Their main focus is safe development and delivery of a child as well as pathological health and function of the vagina, cervix, bladder, urethra, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and rectum.

Because OBGYN medical doctors focus more on fetal development, tissue pathology and organ function this leaves an open space for pelvic and OB physical therapists to support their work by addressing the other concerns of bone alignment, joint mobility, muscle strength and coordination, scar tissue as well as pain management.

 OB Physical Therapists are there to support women, and individuals with female reproductive organs, regain and/or maintain their physical activities of daily living, hobbies, and sexual health so they can live the life they deserve.

 If you are interested in learning how an OB Physical Therapist can help improve your daily life, mental well-being, or body awareness as it progresses through the transitions of life, Mindful Matters Wellness offers free 20 minute consultations with our Doctors of Physical Therapy OB specialists. Want to learn more about what we do, check out our blog post “Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy” or click here to schedule a free consultation.

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Pelvic floor physical therapy involves the pelvic floor muscle group, which is responsible for a variety of functions. It is a good treatment option for patients who are suffering from urinary incontinence, difficulties in urination, bowel incontinence, constipation, abdominal pain, low back/SI pain, sexual dysfunction, pelvic pain or coccyx pain, vaginal or rectal pain, penile or testicular pain, as well as men and women prior to or after having pelvic surgery. 

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